Digital Coupons & Mobile Marketing Campaigns For Bars & Pubs

As a publican or bar owner, you know that social media and mobile marketing is something you should be doing or, if you already are, then you’ve probably thought you can do it better!

Now you can leverage the power of your existing customers and social media following by offering unbeatable deals that your customers can’t refuse.

Work with IQoupon and we’ll give you the tools to create professional mobile marketing campaigns so that you can extend your bar’s or pub’s reach, have your existing customers share your offers on Facebook, increase your cashflow from online activity with prepaid vouchers as well as grow your local and online presence.

With IQoupon you can create virtually any deal or special offer you can think of and it pays to get creative. You already know that people will take action and change habits if they’re getting a great deal, so it worth designing your offers in a way that communicates real value.

Your existing customers are by far your best marketing asset. With our software, you can design mobile coupon and voucher campaigns that incentivise these people to share your offers for free.

For bars and pubs, campaigns where customers get a great deal for bringing or inviting a friend are an excellent way to get new people through the door.

Here’s some ideas for you:

Unlike a typical coupon you might find in a newspaper or magazine, you can attach certain conditions that customers have to fulfil before they can claim your offer or special deal.

This is where digital coupon marketing with IQoupon comes into its own. Imagine the power in asking customers to share your offer on their Facebook page before they get your discount.

That’s essentially free marketing and there is no other tool on the market currently that allows you to do that.

Our software tools enable you to attach the following conditions to any digital coupon:

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