Digital Coupon & Voucher Generator Platform For Retail Stores

Whether online or offline, most retail stores have at least a website, some even with ecommerce capabilities. A good number also have a social media presence. By developing a solid mobile marketing strategy, retail businesses can help build trust and drive more sales.

When customers make purchases from brands they trust, they are often happy to receive information and marketing via the usual channels. Now, with IQoupon, you can leverage this information to distribute unbeatable deals and offers direct to your customers’ phones.

Design campaigns in the right way and you can even have them distribute your best offers on social media and Facebook – all free of charge to you. That’s free, viral marketing!

Every retailer already knows the importance of designing and offering great deals for their customers.  When you sign-up with IQoupon, you’ll get the most professional suite of digital coupon creation tools available on the market.

You’ll be able to create campaigns that extend your business reach, you’ll get new eyes on your products and you can even sell prepaid vouchers to assist cashflow.

Here are a few ideas for you:

Unlike a typical coupon you might find in a newspaper or magazine, you can attach certain conditions that customers have to fulfil before they can claim your offer or special deal.

This is where digital coupon marketing with IQoupon comes into its own. Imagine the power in asking customers to share your offer on their Facebook page before they get your discount.

That’s essentially free marketing and there is no other tool on the market currently that allows you to do that.

Our software tools enable you to attach the following conditions to any digital coupon:

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